Title Sponsor

Car show registration

Thank you for your interest in registering your car in our 18th Annual Tucson Classics Car Show on October 19, 2024. At this moment, we will not be able to accommodate your vehicle. Our field is completely filled! We are limited to 420 cars on the field, and we reached that number faster than ever and before we received your entry. We do have your wait-listed entry and if we have a cancellation; we will give you a call to arrange for you to join our show.

*NOTE: You are not registered for the show unless you are notified by phone or email by the TCCS Registration Committee; at which time you will be asked for payment information.

If you do not hear from us, your vehicle will not be allowed on the field.

You are welcome to buy a $10 ticket and come enjoy the show on October 19. Please review all 2024 Registration Liability Release and Raffle Rules. If you'd like to enter via mail, you may download the form.

To begin a new registration, start here. Your information will be saved as you complete each step.

To look up a previous incomplete registration, please provide the registration email and zip code.

Still not sure? For just $35 for the first car and $25 for each additional car, you get these perks:

  • 1st Place in each class receives $100 and plaque
  • 2nd Place and 3rd Place in each class receive plaques
  • Each Best in Show Selection receives $1,000 and a Trophy.
  • $500 and trophy to one winner selected by our Title Sponsor WeBuyHouses.com
  • Grand Marshall Award receives $250 and a Trophy
  • Join us for our Friday Night Dinner at show site for $20/person (reservations required)